The Monssoen Group LLC Acquired by SIMVISR LLC

by | Jan 6, 2021 | Companies

July 1st, 2020 Grand Junction, CO – The Monssoen Group LLC (pronounced Monsoon) announces today that it has been acquired by Western Colorado portfolio company SIMVISR LLC. This exciting change of management and focusing of The Monssoen Group allows the company to focus on startup and small-business management related services, with the assistance of other similar companies in the SIMVISR portfolio.

The Monssoen Group has previously focused on acquiring and partnering with organizations to bring management changes, better technology, and better business practices to increase profitability and productivity in struggling businesses. This effort led to a number of interesting learning opportunities and challenges for the founding team of The Monssoen Group.

The Monssoen Group is now focused on helping startup and growing small-business enterprises achieve their goals through growth-related management services, including the newly announced Growth Fractional CxO program, a services program that provides Chief Operations Officers, Chief Marketing Officers, Chief Product Officers, and Chief Sales Officers to startups and small-business companies that are not yet ready or cannot afford a full-time C-Level executive at this stage.

The Monssoen Group was founded in 2003 and has provided management and growth consulting to early stage corporations as well as investment consulting, founder training, and sustainable business development strategies. Their array of ancillary services such as business planning, sales and marketing strategy, hiring strategy, and business development services have helped many companies reach their stage of corporate development.

SIMVISR LLC has acquired The Monssoen Group LLC to allow it to add these great skills and services to their portfolio of companies that support the startup and small-business ecosystem. These great companies include, a SaaS organization specializing in providing artificial intelligence, machine learning, and personal growth and engagement software to companies in the retail, transportation, and safety industries. It also includes organizations like Kennedy Computer Consulting, which provides consulting services to startups and small-businesses similar to The Monssoen Group in the technical space.

The Monssoen Group and Kennedy Computer Consulting’s respective Growth Fractional CxO program and Technology Fractional CxO program allow the two companies to work together tightly to support emerging enterprises and their founders to achieve new heights on a budget these types of organizations can afford.

The Monssoen Group will continue to provide services such as business and strategic planning, marketing and sales strategy, and other related services. It will however retire its business acquisition, investment, and turnover efforts to its new sister companies SIMVISR Financial and Kennedy Family Ventures. These two important parts of the SIMVISR LLC family are focused on financial-related services and the acquisition and development of business enterprises.

The Monssoen Group will maintain its operations in Phoenix, Arizona, while its new parent company SIMVISR LLC is headquartered in Grand Junction, Colorado. SIMVISR LLC’s founders Brian and Victoria Kennedy are also part of the founding team behind The Monssoen Group LLC and took part in its management during its early years. The Monssoen Group LLC has a proud tradition of providing excellent services to its customers and partners and looks forward to continuing that effort with full force and the weight of its sister companies, new staff, skills, and technology brought by its new parent company SIMVISR LLC.

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